Distance between So Kwun Po and Fan Leng Lau Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin
So Kwun Po
Fan Leng Lau

Distance from So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau

So Kwun Po and Fan Leng Lau are separated by a distance of approximately 0.6 mi in a straight line.

See also the distance So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau calculated for a road trip (by car) , calculated for a bike ride , walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram).

You also have the travel duration from So Kwun Po top Fan Leng Lau and the cost of fuel (gasoline or diesel) to cover the distance between So Kwun Po and Fan Leng Lau.

Address, Place, City, ...

Address, Place, City, ...

Distance by car :
Travel's duration :
Distance in straight line :
0.6 mi
Cost Fuel (Gasoline) :
Cost Fuel (Diesel) :
Distance by bike :
Duration by bike :

Distance (by car) between So Kwun Po and Fan Leng Lau : .
Travel duration : .
Cost Fuel (Diesel): .
Cost Fuel (Petrol) : .

Weather in San Uk Ling

scattered clouds
  • Temperatures : 25/26°C
  • Wind : 2.68 km/h
  • Pressure : 1013 hPa
  • Air humidity : 66 %
  • Cloud cover : 26 %
  • Sunrise : 23 h 43
  • Sunset : 12 h 56
  • Daylight hours : 13 h 13

Roadmap from So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Fan Leng Lau and So Kwun Po, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau.

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle.

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from So Kwun Po in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around So Kwun Po or in .

If you want to see the route between So Kwun Po and Fan Leng Lau by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from So Kwun Po to Fan Leng Lau will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in So Kwun Po

Comparison between So Kwun Po & Fan Leng Lau

-So Kwun PoFan Leng Lau
Average altitude15 m17 m
Distance in straight line0.6 mi
Distance by car
Travel duration (by car)
Distance by bike
Travel duration (by bike)

Distances and roadmaps from So Kwun Po

Distance So Kwun Po to Hong Kong Roadmap So Kwun Po to Hong Kong
Distance So Kwun Po to Kowloon Roadmap So Kwun Po to Kowloon
Distance So Kwun Po to Tsuen Wan Roadmap So Kwun Po to Tsuen Wan
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Long Kau Hui Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Long Kau Hui
Distance So Kwun Po to Tung Chung Roadmap So Kwun Po to Tung Chung
Distance So Kwun Po to Sha Tin Roadmap So Kwun Po to Sha Tin
Distance So Kwun Po to Tuen Mun Roadmap So Kwun Po to Tuen Mun
Distance So Kwun Po to Tai Po Roadmap So Kwun Po to Tai Po
Distance So Kwun Po to Sai Kung Roadmap So Kwun Po to Sai Kung
Distance So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Wan Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Wan
Distance So Kwun Po to Ngong Ping Roadmap So Kwun Po to Ngong Ping
Distance So Kwun Po to Sok Kwu Wan Roadmap So Kwun Po to Sok Kwu Wan
Distance So Kwun Po to Tai O Roadmap So Kwun Po to Tai O
Distance So Kwun Po to Shek O Village Roadmap So Kwun Po to Shek O Village
Distance So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Long Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Long
Distance So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Ha Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Ha
Distance So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Au Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Au
Distance So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Au Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yung Shue Au
Distance So Kwun Po to Lung Kwu Sheung Tan Roadmap So Kwun Po to Lung Kwu Sheung Tan
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Tun Ha Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Tun Ha
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Tun Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Tun
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Ng Fan Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Ng Fan
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Long San Hui Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Long San Hui
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Long Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Long
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Leng Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Leng
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Kong San Tsuen Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Kong San Tsuen
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Kong Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Kong
Distance So Kwun Po to Yuen Chau Kok Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yuen Chau Kok
Distance So Kwun Po to Yue Kwong Chuen Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yue Kwong Chuen
Distance So Kwun Po to Yue Kok Roadmap So Kwun Po to Yue Kok

Alternates names : Saoganpu, So Kon Po, So Kwun Po, sao gan bu, 扫桿埔, 掃桿埔

Places close to So Kwun Po

Distance from So Kwun Po to Tai Po Industrial Estate 7 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Target Valley 2 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Tai Po Centre 7 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Tai Po Kau Hui 7 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Ma Tseuk Tong Ho Lek Pui 7 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Kam Tin 9 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Wang Chau 13 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Sheung Kwai Chung 13 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Wu Kai Sha 13 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Lau Fau Shan 15 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Ha Tsuen 16 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Tai Lam Chung 16 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Shek Wan 17 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Pak Shek Hang 18 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Kam Chuk Kok 18 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Nam Wan 19 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Tsim Sha Tsui 23 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Lung Kwu Tan 24 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Pok Fu Lam 26 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Mui Wo 29 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Mau Yuen 32 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Yi Long 35 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Pak Lau Tsai 37 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Heung Ngam 39 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Miu Pui 39 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Shek Pik 39 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Ngau Wu 39 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Tai Tam 40 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Ngong Chong 40 km
Distance from So Kwun Po to Yuen Shin Park 7 km